I know I haven't written in forever; we ended up having to send Ella to trainer, because the little amount we were going out there and the limited work weren't working for her. The day she actually tried to kick me, we threw in the towel. I've decided to sell her because this isn't her basic personality—no matter how hard she's tried with me. It's not fair to either of us; she needs a chance to utilize her amazing potential and have a real job, and I need a VERY forgiving and patient older horse who has "seen it all."
This decision has totally broken my heart—selling her is giving up my dreams with riding, but it's the only right choice for all involved. We tried. She tried. It didn't work.
And, frankly, I don't know if riding is a dream I want to even pursue anymore. This is the second chapter of my life—riding was a huge part of the first chapter, but maybe it's time for new dreams.